Fundamental principles and ideas:
Our vision focuses on achieving economic and emotional stability for all citizens, reducing the state structure and the number of politicians in Spain, and prioritizing healthcare, pensions, education, and opportunities for both young and old. We believe in efficiency and the reward of individual effort, and the importance of personal responsibility to avoid reliance on the efforts of others.
Our philosophy is grounded in common sense, humility, empathy, and doing the right things out of affection for others. Below, we elaborate on each of these points to provide a better understanding of our political vision.
- We believe that Spain can be the best country in the world and a role model.
- Our goal is to achieve economic and emotional stability for all citizens.
Our ideology is based on common sense. - We practice humility and empathy, understanding that we are not always right.
- We strive to do the right things out of affection for others.
- We promote the economic and emotional stability of all citizens.
- We engage in open conversations with everyone and about everything.
- We believe in humanism through the adjustment of an unjust financial monetary system.
- We aim to reduce the state structure and the number of politicians in Spain.
- Our priority is to allocate funds to healthcare, pensions, education, and opportunities for both young and old.

- We want to reduce taxes and social security contributions. We seek to obtain profitability through the Bank of Spain.
- Our goal is to achieve “zero technical” unemployment in terms of the unemployment rate.
- We believe in making Bitcoin legal tender in Spain.
- We value efficiency and reward individual effort.
- We believe that we are in charge, and politicians are our employees.
- We advocate for individual responsibility, avoiding living off the efforts of others.
- We believe that important decisions of the state should be made through popular consultation, leveraging current technology.
- Establish a country plan. We cannot improvise on the go based on party interests. Every day counts.
- Generate optimism about the future. The collective pessimism ingrained in society worsens emotional and material quality of life.
Regarding Bitcoin:
We believe that the idea of Bitcoin is honest, fair, and rational.
We explain how Bitcoin eliminates inflation, allowing savings from hard work to have the same purchasing power or more in the future, avoiding dependence on others in a society with an inverted age pyramid.
We value the international vocation of Bitcoin’s philosophy, considering it a matter of dignity for some and a matter of survival and hope for billions of people on the planet.
If it is useful for people, it will be adopted and have value. If it contributes nothing and is not useful, it will disappear.